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Online Learning Management System

Online Learning Management System

Shadhin Lab helps large organizations migrate and develop new application solutions to leverage cloud-native technology.

The main purpose of this web application is a platform for online learning. Tutors can upload their content and the aspirants can easily purchase the course via a digital wallet or digital payment. It will help the student community to enhance their career or educational target, as well as on the country’s development growth.


The Challenge

During this pandemic of the covid virus, many of the students were unable to grab their regular studies, and sometimes missed classes. This online educational platform will help them to learn and keep a good balance.


The Solution

We, Shadhin Lab, have developed a platform for online learning and educational solution on AWS Serverless Cloud-based which will help directly to increase the growth of any students or learners. We choose AWS cloud services to get leverage over auto-escalation facilities to onboarding users. We choose Cognito for easily registration process and Serverless architecture for easily boosting up escalation as per user onboarding to this learning platform.

A Tutor has to register him/herself as an INSTRUCTOR role and at the first verify the identity, then able to create a digital course. The uploading contents process is handy as a user experience. The uploaded course by the Instructors directly goes to the committee who has the privileged to give approval on the uploaded course content. Approved courses and contents only go public.


The Outcome

This is a robust, highly configurable and flexible web-based solution, a journey started via the registration process. Newly created users will get an email in their registered email with a configured email template. The user has to verify the email by clicking the link which received the email. Then a login page will appear with prefilled email and password fields, they have to click the login button. Then “Create a New Password” page will appear with these fields: Email, New password and Confirm password. This solution is fully flexible in concern to the user’s role. The Admin User can also set permissions for the different types of roles by a button to set permission. On the permission page, they will get module lists with add, update, delete and list permission and they have to click on these fields in which they want to give permission. Roles of users will only get to see those features in which they get permission.


Uploading the course and contents by the instructor is a major item. At first, an instructor has to create a course after that the upload content page using these steps adding Promo Video, adding Images, Course Title, selecting Categories, adding Course Duration, defining Course Level, setting Course Price, putting Discounted price if any, Course Details and Requirements.


Automated and robust exam system developed. An instructor has to define exam structure by clicking the” Exam Setup” button on the course content page. a mark distribution template will appear. instructors will be able to distribute marks and questions as they like. The instructor can divide 100 marks between our available question package. Like 100 marks can be divided into 10, 20, 50, and 100 questions. The exam can be one of the following types, Quiz/MCQ, Assignment, Viva. The two types of options for the question are available, Chapter-based –under each chapter, the Instructor can add a new test. Like quizzes, assignments and viva –, Final exam – at the end of all chapters they can create a Final exam or test. All exams will be MCQ-based or written scripts can be submitted as assignments or exam papers. The instructor can add questions and options in the question pool and mark correct answers or answers. Questions of exams will be pooled from the question pool randomly.


For Viva, the instructor will get a notification when a student is ready for the interview. An instructor will set an interview schedule through chat/ discussion, provide an interview meeting link or id. After taking the interview at the scheduled time, the instructor will put the marking manually as per the interview base. The meeting link will be valid for 5 minutes, if the instructor or student joins the meeting, it will be valid for the next 30 minutes. And if the instructor and student join in the interview link then they can continue the meeting for up to 1 hour. Instructors can reschedule meetings based on chatting with students through an application chatting system.


Case Study – CodersTrust


The Application sends an email notification to each registered user (instructor, students) to notify them of class continuation, and weekly assessments. After completing the course, the student type user can collect a badge by providing this information: Title, Image, Criteria: for instructor rating. Users can see the badge list. These badges will be displayed in the instructor profile. The instructor can send messages to the individual student via the “My Courses -> I Owned” page. After clicking on the “Send Message” button then a chatting window will appear with these fields: a chatting list on the left side of the chatting window, a text field and a File attachment option: The user will attach files.


This solution is designed based on Serverless technology where different AWS services are used for different purposes.


  1.  Lambda & API Gateway is the main core service for Serverless technology in AWS.
  2.  Amplify framework will manage the backend as well as the frontend and DynamoDB used for the database.
  3.  To authenticate employees, the AWS Cognito service will be used and DynamoDB will be used for storing data.
  4.  Event bridge will be used for scheduling everyday reminder emails and SES will be used for sending other email notifications.
  5.  IAM service will be used to handle the outside users’ access permission to AWS accounts. Email-related work will be handled through the SAM template.


AWS Service used for this system:

  • IAM
  • Cognito
  • SES
  • EventBridge
  • DynamoDB
  • GraphQL
  • Amplify
  • Lambda
  • API Gateway
  • SAM



Business Benefits Achieved for the Customer


Compliance Achieved

The security and reliability of the AWS platform allow the customer to enable several thousand businesses to adhere to industry regulations through an improved system process. AWS Cognito service handles authorized users to log in to the system which improves the security.


Scalability of Cloud

Using AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway service which helps with auto-scaling, the customer need not worry to scale their systems to match the demand. This ensures that the applications can always meet demand, while the customer only pays for what they need.

Shadhin Lab LLC.229 West 36th Street, New York, NY 10018, USA.

Shadhin Technologies Ltd.Riajbag, Road-6, Rampura, Dhaka – 1219, Bangladesh.