A Few Clients We have Worked With
At the heart of our mission lies a rewarding experience – witnessing the success and genuine smiles on our clients' faces. This profound satisfaction fuels our dedication and reminds us that every milestone achieved together is a milestone for us as well.
AWS IQ Reviews
5 (11 reviews)
Justin Withrow
CEO of Harmonifi
Dan More
Vicente Ariza
CEO of Shetu Consultancy & Innovation
Alicia D’Amico
Director, Operations at Orange County Government Center, USA

Alicia D’Amico
Director, Operations at Orange County Government Center, USA

Alicia D’Amico
Director, Operations at Orange County Government Center, USA
Hi, I am Alicia D’Amico. I am the Acting Deputy Commissioner of general services in the Orange County Government. I wanted to send and extend a hardy thank you to Juthy, Niloy, and Nayem (Shadhin Team) for all of the work that you did on the covid app which we are getting ready to launch to the employees, possibly at the end of this week or next week. It is so professional and with the amount of time you turned this around, we cannot send enough thanks for all that you have done. Work like this sets us apart from others. So, we really appreciate it. Thank you so much and I look forward to working with you in the future. Bye!

Marshal Pang
Executive Coach, Co-Active Training Institute

Marshal Pang
Executive Coach, Co-Active Training Institute
I had the pleasure of working with Hasan since 2018 for establishing our enterprise IoT platform and a suite of IoT APP products. Hasan led his team to quickly understand our need and urgency of the project, and won the project among many global contenders by quickly getting up to speed on a new cloud platform, and delivered the first working prototype in record time. Since then, we have gone on a two-year journey together of developing our IoT APPs from zero to one. Hasan is a partner that is sincere and committed, and a leader that cares and trusts deeply in his team, and is loved by his team. It has been great working with Hasan and his team to overcome countless challenges, and I would recommend Hasan to any organization looking for passionate leaders to develop breakthrough products.

Emdad HOQ
Executive Search Firm

Emdad HOQ
Executive Search Firm
当社の社内 IT-VR (バーチャルリアリティ) プロジェクトの 1 つは、シャディンラブの代表取締役のハサンさんと彼のチーム メンバーによって完了させて頂きました。 このプロジェクトのリードタイムは12 っ月間の予定でした。 しかし、締め切り前にプロジェクトをデリバリーされました。 プロジェクト全体を通して、私が彼に感じたのは、非常に正直で、率直で、時間厳守で、リスクを取ることを楽しみ、そしてコミュニケーション能力が高いということでした。 ハサンさんの働き方や性格は日本の企業文化によく合っていると思います。 彼は日本語を話せませんが、日本のビジネス文化について非常に良い常識を持っていると思います。

Vicente Ariza Alcalde
Business Owner, Shetu Consultancy & Innovation

Vicente Ariza Alcalde
Business Owner, Shetu Consultancy & Innovation
After a few years sharing projects and working together with Hasan, I can honestly say he is a person you certainly want to have in your team. I relied on him leading a team of talented people, who carried out very important projects. And he never let me down. He is always there. There is a big difference between a vendor who executes a job for money; and another one who puts his heart on what he is doing to deliver the best he can create. Personally I choose the second because it is the way I like to do things. And Hasan showed me that same attitude towards work. He is well prepared, flexible, receptive to criticism and eager to always give the best of himself. I hope I can enjoy many more years of business cooperation with him.

Ataul Goni Osmani
Country Director, CodersTrust Bangladesh

Ataul Goni Osmani
Country Director, CodersTrust Bangladesh
Shadhin Lab LLC knows how to run a tight ship. They’re like clockwork, always delivering what’s promised, right on the money. And when it comes to tech, these folks don’t mess around. They’re nailing our e-learning platform development with Python, React JS, and AWS serverless awesomeness. Smooth sailing ahead, thanks to these pros.

Shikdar Maruf Yazdani
Senior Manager, Enterprise Solutions

Shikdar Maruf Yazdani
Senior Manager, Enterprise Solutions
I had the pleasure of working closely with Shadhin on a recent project, and I am absolutely delighted to share my experience. From the outset, it was clear that Shadhin Lab’s dedication and sincerity were second to none. Their unwavering commitment to the project’s success was truly commendable and set the tone for a seamless collaboration.
Lais Amaral
Lais Amaral
Shadhin lab did an incredible job for us, great communication, quick to resolve problems. That’s the second job that they made us accomplish 100% what we need.
Very good work and very kind to interact with. Definitely recommended.
I loved the way Shadhin Lab tried and they really tried to solve a critical problem which is almost impossible to solve but they made good progress with that. They way they tried and owned the task, I definitely will work with them again and they are very highly recommended.
Shadhin Lab LLC.229 West 36th Street, New York, NY 10018, USA.
Shadhin Technologies Ltd.Riajbag, Road-6, Rampura, Dhaka – 1219, Bangladesh.